Saturday, October 23, 2010

Revving Up

So, I know I've let this blog lag a bit and for that, I'm sorry, my lieblings. Truth be told, my acting world hasn't had much excitement recently. Tomorrow, however, that changes!

Tomorrow is the first read-through for The Dark Things, an original play in which I play Joanie. It's a great (disturbing, but great) play and I cannot wait to dive into it and tweak things and really create a character from the ground up. It's a great opportunity and I'll be chronicling as it gains momentum.

The audition a couple weeks ago was great. It reminded me of Improv class (not VBI which will forever be my among my top three favourite college classes) and it was great to do any acting exercises at all and then the warm reads were so much fun!

It's all starting up again, people. I can't wait to share all the moments that remind me that acting is what I am meant to do with my life. Every fiber of me knows this and every fiber of me is going to pursue my career for the rest of my life.

Seatbelts on, people, I've got the engine running.

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